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Why does honey crystallize?Most raw honeys wil eventually crystallize. Certain factors such as nectar source, and temperature determine how quickly it will occur. Some nectar sources crystallize so quickly, they cannot be spun from the comb. I place these back in the hives for the bees to eat. Fresh honey contains a supersaturation of plant sugars, fructose and glucose. In certain conditions, the glucose will precipitate into solid granules. Honey with a high percentage of glucose to fructose will crystallize quickly, while honey with a high fructose to glucose ratio may not crystallize at all. The fastest precipitation of crystals tends to occur from 55 to 63 degrees Fahrenheit, usually when refrigerated.
I don't see my favorite scent on your site. Do you take custom orders?Yes, if we have or can get the essential or fragrance oil to make your favorite scented lotion, candle, we will happily make them for you. If we need to order a special oil, a minimum order may apply.
Where does beeswax come from?Beeswax is secreted from the abdominal wax glands of honey bee workers. It forms tiny flakes on the underside of the abdomen, and is removed and molded by the mandible into the comb that makes up the hive, creating storage for honey, and cells in which the queen lays her eggs. The purest beeswax is the beeswax that covers the ripened honey. This is the beeswax that we use to make all of our beeswax products, from candles, to lotions, to lip balms. Watch the process here.
What can I do to help the bees?Plant flowers that bloom in the Summer and Fall (there are plenty of nectar sources for them in the Spring). Give them a water source in the Summer, a pan of water with some sticks floating on the surface for them to land on. Avoid the use of pesticides and herbicides. If you are considering starting a hive to "help the bees", keep in mind that they are livestock that need to be tended. If you're up to the challenge, by all means! But please know that a single untended, mite-infested beehive, placed in a yard by a well meaning, otherwise animal loving individual, can be a disease and pest resivoir that can decimate every hive for miles around it.
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